A New Tribe is Born

(These are reflections from a Tribe Member - not official Veteran Fund opinions.)

Long ago, when human civilization was in its infancy there was a “New Tribe.” They realized that the status quo of their society was broken. They didn’t submit to the political system that governed their lives, they understood the economic system was corrupt, and they believed that the mainstream culture was sick and required healing.

They had set an intention to reach enlightenment and ignite a spiritual revolution that would change the direction of humanity forever. They created a New Tribe with established principles, elected leaders, and they regularly broke bread together to discuss their audacious mission. They had two main objectives; the first was to use their skills to improve the status quo and the second was to heal their society by creating a new one. 

As they practiced acts of civil opposition they attracted new followers that shared their mission and cast out the people that didn’t align with their principles. As they practiced acts of healing they built new relationships and added new skills to create their desired outcomes. The New Tribe was not motivated by money, power, fame, or other superficial motivations. They were motivated by creating a new kind of culture to realize self-actualization at scale. The spiritual leader of the New Tribe once said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.” This historical reference in context captures the wisdom of non-attachment and what Stoics would call, Memento Mori (the latin term meaning, “remember death”). Caesar represents the status quo and God represents the journey to enlightened self-actualization. 

Their success was absolutely dependent on the ability of the leaders of the New Tribe to teach their principles through their actions. It was important for them to start the day with mindfulness before consuming and it was critical that they continued to build on their skills every day by developing great habits. Combining their skills and mindfulness allowed them to practice a concept called, “Introspective Awareness.” Introspective Awareness is the concept to align intentions with action while recognizing the mind’s level of focus. In the most simplistic understanding, the members of the New Tribe said what they meant and meant what they said. As they committed actions to their mission, their collective capability to practice this concept was directly tied to their success. Thousands of years after their lifespans have ended we still live within the paradigm the New Tribe created for civilization. 

In the second decade of the second millennium, there was a New Tribe called The Veteran Fund. It was born out of the womb of revolutionary ideas because society is broken and it’s time to heal by creating a new culture. The official mission is to protect America through Venture Capital. 

Recently The Veteran Fund’s New Tribe came together to meditate, scale entrepreneurial efforts, and accelerate the mission. The bread was broken at the first dinner, the mission was strengthened, and the bonds created will last many lifetimes. The efforts will persist to create a new culture because it’s time for a peaceful revolution that will create new manifestations of freedom. America is our sacred homeland and culturally we are the United States of Entrepreneurs because our citizens revere the founder journey. It’s built into American culture to understand that self-actualization is the highest pursuit of happiness. When mindful entrepreneurs are set free they can create anything. In fact, the human formula composed of mindfulness, entrepreneurship, and liberty continuously creates reliable states of Realistic Optimism. 

Realistic Optimism is the dominant superpower that governs our world. This is why tyrants hide their actions in the darkness and alternatively, this is why creators require the light of optimism. Almost 250 years ago another New Tribe created the first-ever Declaration demanding independence and the maximization of liberty, which is enshrined in the first-ever Constitution. The New Tribe believed in the meaning behind the quote “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.” They conquered the status quo in order to succeed and they used Realistic Optimism to create a period of healing in order to grow a new society. Long after the Founders of America are gone, every free society has a Constitution and America remains the most successful startup in history. 

Are these ideas reflections on a new venture or are these ideas signals to unleash the power of now? Either way, it is time to deliver the good news: “A New Tribe is Born.” The New Tribe within The Veteran Fund honors the principles that have been proven for thousands of years and it has come time to proliferate peace and joy to illuminate our world. The New Tribe are entrepreneurs celebrating the light and we will continue to create a new culture with liberty and justice for all. This is how you create a world with many forms of freedom — guaranteed forever. 


If “A New Tribe is Born” speaks to you consider Emerson's words: “What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say.”


With Liberty,

A Member of the New Tribe